Thursday, September 23, 2010


Reading through some articles found in Communication Arts' website, I found an article entitled, "Five Young Typeface Designers and Their Former Careers". It is presented in an easy to read format with examples of each of the designers' works, the link is found at the end of this blog.

Allen Haley, the author of this piece, explores the brief background of each of the 5 international typeface designers--which all but one had a graphic design background.  He then has the designers explain their inspiration for their typefaces, which all mainly derive from either 1920 to 30's old type to literary figures such as Franz Kafka.  Aside from being typeface designers with pretty similar backgrounds, they definitely shared one thing: passion.  There was no large amount of money, or client involved with the designing of their fonts just pure obsessive passion for developing the look and feel for their own typeface.  If you check out the link, you need to see Mister K--the designer even includes 600 pictograms.  Definitely a labor of love!

Aside from being an interesting article, the designers' examples were in color and spaced throughout the article--which invites the reader to continue reading beyond the first paragraph so that you understand the connection between the article and the examples of font.  The format was a blog style or vertical composition: paragraph then a picture in the center, and then right into a paragraph again--which allowed the emphasis to be on the picture. As in the previous piece I wrote about, the font is also grey and the type, while small, is easy on the eye and modern looking--it looks like the text is Verdana.  Again, a very simple composition but effective for the reader for ease and for the piece itself because the focal points are the examples of typeface.  The hierarchy of the article enforces this as well--small, muted-color, type gives way to the bigger, colorful, and crisp pictures. 

Another good example of form and content.

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